privacy policy

I would like to inform you about the personal data that I collect on my website and for what purposes they are used.

Controller and Scope

This privacy information applies to the internet offering of Gerhard Fliess, which is accessible under the domain, as well as for the Facebook page, LinkedIn account, and Thingiverse Account of Gerhard Fliess.

The controller for data processing is

DI Gerhard Fliess
Theodor-Körner-Straße 75/1
A-8010 Graz, Austria
+43 699 14102022

Changes in the law may require an adaptation of this privacy information at any time. You can access, read, save, and print the privacy information at any time.

The current version was updated on August 4, 2024.

Principles of Data Processing

Personal data includes all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This can include information such as your name, age, address, phone number, date of birth, email address, IP address, or user behavior. Information that does not allow a direct or indirect identification of a person, for example through anonymization of the information, is not considered personal data.

The processing of personal data (such as collection, querying, use, storage, or transmission) always requires a legal basis or your consent. Processed personal data will be deleted once the purpose of processing has been achieved and there are no longer any legally required retention obligations.

If I process your personal data for providing specific services, I will inform you below about the specific processes, scope, and purpose of data processing, the legal basis for processing, and the respective storage period.

When you visit my website


My website and emails are hosted by (ALL-INKL.COM – Neue Medien Münnich, Hauptstraße 68, D-02742 Friedersdorf). You can read the privacy policy of all-inkl here.

When you use my website, collects the following data that is technically necessary to display my website to you:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the accessed file
  • Website from which the access is made (referrer URL)
  • Browser used and possibly the operating system of your computer

These data automatically transmitted by your browser are stored in so-called logfiles.

When you are online, a temporary IP address is assigned to you. (You are given a so-called “dynamic” IP address for a session on the internet.) Which person or device was using which IP address at a specific time can only be traced for a certain period. Namely, as long as your internet provider stores in the logfile which person was using which IP address at what time. The provider is obligated to store the logfile for a certain period so that investigations can be conducted in case of criminal attacks to determine who is behind them. The data in the logfile is not merged with other data sources. I reserve the right to check this data retrospectively if I become aware of specific indications of unlawful use.

Legal basis is Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR – it serves the purpose of contract fulfillment or pre-contractual inquiries. Without the above-mentioned data, I cannot make the content of my website accessible to you.

Storage duration: stores the IP addresses of website visitors for a maximum of seven days. The collection of data for providing the website and the storage of data in logfiles is essential for the operation of the website. Therefore, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user. Further storage may occur in individual cases if required by law.


Cookies are small, useful text files that are stored in the internet browser you use (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, …). I use cookies to make my offer user-friendly. They allow me to recognize your browser on your next visit. According to the law, I may store cookies on your device if they are absolutely necessary for the operation of my website. For all other types of cookies, I need your explicit consent.

I obtain this consent from you via the “Real Cookie Banner” plugin. You will see it displayed on your first visit to my website. No cookies will be loaded until you accept. After the initial consent, you can find the link Change privacy settings at the bottom left of this page, where you can also change your selected settings later on.

When you log in on my website (for example, if you have a customer account), some technically necessary cookies are set to store your login information and some data about your display options. Login cookies are valid for two days, and display options cookies are valid for one year. If you select “remember me”, you will stay logged in for two weeks. When you log out, the login cookies are deleted.

When you edit or publish an article (if you have the role of “author” or “editor” among my users), another cookie is stored in your browser. This cookie does not contain personal data, but only the post ID of the article you are currently editing. This cookie is valid for one day.

Legal basis is Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR (for contract fulfillment) for the use of technically necessary cookies. These are necessary for me to display the website and ensure its functionality. For the use of other cookies (such as tracking and advertising cookies), the legal basis is Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR, which requires your explicit and demonstrable consent.

Storage duration: Cookies always have a certain lifespan after which they are no longer valid. You can delete the cookies stored in your browser program (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, …) at any time. The detailed process depends on the specific program. You can find instructions in the help files of your browser.

Google Products

I do not use any Google products on my website. I host the fonts locally.

When Commenting on Blog Posts

In my blog, where I publish various posts on relevant topics, you can leave public comments. When you submit a comment, it will be published under the corresponding post with the username you provided (potentially pseudonymous). Providing your website is optional. When you leave a comment, your email and IP address will be stored internally. This is because I may be liable for the publication of unlawful content. I reserve the right to delete comments that may contain potentially illegal content.

If you have a WordPress account, you can log in with your WordPress account to comment. This way, you don’t have to enter your name, email address, and website each time you comment. These cookies are valid for one year. When you visit my login page, a temporary cookie is set to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain any personal data and will be deleted when you close your browser. 

An anonymized string (also known as a “hash”) generated from your email address may be sent to the Gravatar service to see if you use Gravatar. You can find Gravatar’s privacy policy here. If your comment is approved, your Gravatar profile picture will be publicly visible with your comment.

Legal basis is Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR – Consent of the data subject. By submitting your comment, you automatically agree to its publication on my website.

Storage duration: Comments will be stored on my website until you explicitly request their deletion. WordPress offers the functions of “Export” and “Deletion” of personal data on the website. If you request the deletion of your comments from me, all personal data (your name, email address, and – if provided – your website address) will be deleted. The now anonymized comment text will remain.

How I protect your personal data

I maintain current technical measures to ensure data security, especially to protect your personal data from risks during data transfers and from third-party access. In particular, my website uses encrypted transmission via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) when you access my website at the following address:

Your rights

As a data subject, you have the following rights: Right to information (Article 15 GDPR), Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR), Right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR), Right to restriction (Article 18 GDPR), Data portability (Article 20 GDPR), and Right to object (Article 21 GDPR).

You can exercise these data subject rights by emailing or alternatively by sending a letter to my postal address (see above).

If you have any complaints about the processing of your data by me, I invite you to first write to me directly so we can try to resolve the matter together:

You can also contact the Austrian Data Protection Authority as the supervisory authority at any time with your concerns: Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, Tel.: +43 1 52152-0, Email:, Website: